The Accessible Calderdale Disability Access Forum (ACDAF)

Central to the Accessible Calderdale Project is the Accessible Calderdale Disability Access Forum, commonly known as ACDAF, whose members are residents of Calderdale with lived experience and a wide range of disabilities. ACDAF is a pan disability diverse group which includes people with protected characteristics, all with an equal voice.

Our Mission statement

Working together to support Calderdale in becoming an accessible and inclusive place for all.

ACDAF is key to the co-production and planning at the design stage of services, organisations, venues and green spaces.

There is a real added value of working with people with lived experience and ACDAF members provide a pan-disability approach to improving accessibility in Calderdale.

Throughout the lifetime of the project, ACDAF has set-up forums for specific areas of interest to members including:

  • Transport
  • Countryside & Green Spaces
  • Sports
  • Consultations
  • Health and Well-being Group
  • Tourism Group

Consultations & Focus Groups – We actively participate in consultations and focus groups to raise awareness and have a collective voice to be heard on access issues that affect our daily lives.

Zoom – Our members meet monthly by ZOOM to share experiences and support each other. We also chat on social media and have our own FB page and Twitter.

We regularly work with other organisations from different regions to share good practice and together be a stronger voice across the North.

We welcome everyone and would love to hear from you if you would like to join us, please click here to complete our membership form.