
We believe that local disabled people should be involved in all stage of the planning and co-design of new buildings, town planning, infrastructure and transport facilities. This is the best way to be inclusive, to meet your legislative requirements, avoid mistakes, it saves money, adds value and builds on improving facilities for everyone.

We know that it is not just about improving access – the biggest barrier for disabled people is attitudes. By involving local disabled people solutions can be found that local authorities and councils will likely not have thought about. Through working together, developing trust within local communities improves lives not just for disabled people but bridges the gaps and decreases the inequalities faced by many.

We established the Hebden Bridge Disability Access Forum on the back of the Flood Relief funding in 2015 and due to the success of the project we received funding from Calderdale Community Foundation to set up the Accessible Calderdale Disability Access Forum.

Thanks to the members of both groups we have worked with health, social care, transport, planners, architects, mangers of parks and greenspaces, Active Calderdale, the Piece Hall, National Trust, Square Chapel, Eureka and established a Transport Group, our Tourism Stakeholder Group, a Health and Well being Group and our very successful and active Countryside and Greenspaces group.

We have made links with other areas such as Belper, Fylde and North Yorkshire sharing our good practice and “what works well” with one another.

We can help you think about the process for local involvement, share the experiences of our members and together with our experienced engagement and development staff, we can support you to think more inclusively and at the same time celebrate your community’s diversity.