Our clients

Over the years we have worked with many dedicated and committed staff, volunteers and managers at a wide range of venues across the country.

These include voluntary and community organisations, local authorities and councils, Northern Rail, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, the National Trust, English Heritage, Longleat Safari Park and the Royal Palaces. We have travelled and worked in different locations and visited Accessible Destinations across the country.

We have also spent time with smaller, more quirky venues, and businesses such as independent cinemas and theatres, cafes, community venues, hotels, parks and greenspaces. Bringing positivity into all the work we do with the understanding that adaptations can happen without spending too much money and that above all a ‘can-do’ attitude can make the biggest difference.

Our team have a myriad of skills and experience, are all versatile, flexible, warm, inclusive and welcoming. We know what improvements need to be made so that our clients can offer an accessible venue with a great inclusive offer, together with trained and confident staff who go the extra mile.

We want you to be able to tap into the Purple Pound and increase your footfall by attracting disabled customers and their carers/friends or family.

Client testimonials

“The day was more than just training, it was an inspiration. What was unique was the personal stories that brought to life the needs of visitors with disabilities. I know we all went away with a much better understanding and a commitment to providing a warm welcome to all of our visitors who come to the Garden of England.”

Ruth Wood, Visit Kent Partnership Manager

“This was an excellent course. The tutors were very passionate and I learnt an incredible amount in three hours.”

Kelsey Mitchell, Duty Manager – Shay Stadium, Halifax

“Through working in partnership with Visits Unlimited the Safety Stewards at the Shay Stadium have recently received excellent training on how to improve spectator experience on match days. The training sessions focused on the positive adjustments we can make to a spectator’s visit which promote an enjoyable experience and leave a lasting impression. We are looking forward to continuing our partnership with Visits Unlimited in the future by establishing regular seminars and training at the Shay Stadium for local and regional businesses.”

Mike Murray, Sport & Active Leisure Manager – Shay Stadium, Halifax

Our clients have included