Foster Bridge in Hebden Bridge

Foster Bridge

We are listening as much as possible and sending Chris to travel the length and breadth of Hebden Bridge.  Chris soon has a meeting with all interested parties at Foster Bridge (one of Hebden Bridge’s listed bridges).

Foster Bridge is an old packhorse bridge now and in very poor repair, to the extent that anyone with a mobility impairment cannot cross over it. The interesting thing is that over the bridge is a cricket club and an archery club and a lovely extensive river walk with seating and picnic areas AND the bridge is by far the best way to access these wonderful areas.

The Council have funded the renovation of the walk which do meet accessible standards however because the bridge doesn’t allow access for those with mobility impairments there is little chance of being able to reach those services and natural gems on the other side.

As a team we are working incredibly hard but do feel free to make contact with us if you have any questions. We are grateful for your continued support and we look forward to making each action take this project forward.


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