Karen Hickton


Hi my name is Karen, I am one of the trainers at Visits Unlimited and have enjoyed travelling around the country meeting different venues and organisations who are keen to improve their facilities and offer a welcoming customer experience to all.

In my other life I deliver training on body language supporting communication in neuro diverse individuals. The non-verbal world has always been important to me since I was diagnosed with partial deafness in my early twenties and then becoming a parent to a child with learning disabilities and speech and language difficulties.

Between my partner and I we have 6 children, we are a blended rainbow family celebrating Autism, Global Developmental Delay, ADHD and Aperts Syndrome within our family tribe. All of our children are amazing and we work hard on being an inclusive family where equality remains a centre value.

In my previous life I was a trauma nurse and nurse educator before leaving the NHS to deliver training programmes in body language, anxiety and trauma. When i’m not working i’m running in the hills and enjoy trail and fell marathons and ultra marathons but then there are those times when sitting and reading and just being quiet allows me space to rest.