Don’t just take it from us…

We are proud of our training team and how our training is collectively delivered.

We always ask for feedback to that we can continue to deliver effective training that’s relevant, up to date and fully informative across the board so when our client’s feedback we take everything on board and work on our models of delivery.

How effective are we? Well, we’d like to share some feedback recently received:

The best thing about the Visits Unlimited training session

It was interesting to learn from Chris Cammiss about the difficulties facing a person with a disability within our society today regarding being socially accepted and the way that ‘fully abled’ people behave in general towards a person with a disability, ie a wheelchair user, with regard to appropriate behaviour and appropriate language.

Also, it was interesting to learn that a vast amount of people / organisations still fail to provide acceptable modifications to their premises in order to become ‘fully inclusive’, so that a person with a disability does not feel isolated within our society and does not feel as if they are treated any differently to a ‘fully abled’ person.

What I will take away with me from the training session

It is sad to learn that so many people with disabilities are still very much discriminated against within the job market and that there is still prejudice against them. However, as a pregnant woman at 48 year’s old, I lost my job when I was 8 month’s pregnant due to my employer not wishing to pay me maternity pay, so there is a lot of discrimination still within our society and this does not just apply to people with disabilities but can be regarding race or whether you are male or female or age related.


Yes there is still a lot of discrimination out there so we have a full time job of educating as many people as we can reach to stamp out this discrimination and create safe environments that can be accessed and shared by all.

Thank you to everyone who feedback to us and allows us to grow our content and keep it sharp and easily accessible so that we can all be part of this movement.


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